Fruits like limes and lemons have a sour taste; they do not become a sweet taste even after ripening due to the presence of excessive amount of acids. Raw bananas have more starch but when the fruit gets ripen, the starch gets converted into fructose. The chemical changes take place inside the fruit during the process of ripening, due to these changes the amount of sugar increases in fruit and it becomes sweet. You will see that even two fruits of same type have different taste like two mangoes or two apples do not have same taste but they are different in taste. The reason behind it is that some fruit has many varieties and there is also variation in the quality of soil, manure, climate, water and technique of growing etc.
These variations change the proportion of the compounds inside the fruit that causes the difference of taste. Fruits like lemons have sour taste; they do not have a sweet taste even after ripening due to the presence of excessive amount of acids. There is a correlation between the tastes