And whose heart rate should go up more, hopefully the older dog! In the research for how much water they should have, it was found that dogs that only eat dry food, such as Beau and Sophie, need more water than other dogs.
Also that elderly dogs need more water than more youthful dogs. Beau, however is a little too plump, so he also needed a little more water than usual. But with Sophie is a fit a rabbit. This helped answer the problem statement by making sure they were hydrated enough to go out and run again. Nobody wants their dogs to be suffering because of that! In this project it is important to understand where they're pulse is so that you actually take it! In order to take the pulse we found it was by their front elbow. But because if issues we used a stethoscope. There ulses ended up being varied quite a bit. They had very irregular heart beats. It would not keep steady and very hard to tell. However, it was very helpful to know that their heart beat was supposed to be like that. And lastly, whose heart beat should be higher? This was important to know because we need to know if we did it right. The website that was used was very useful. It told us that the heartbeat of the older dog was supposed to be lower than that of Beaus. If we didn’t know this I think that We would if had a heart attack. And I don't think anyone wants to have a heart
attack. In conclusion the researched topics were, how much water were they supposed to get, Where they're pulse was, and whose heart rate should be higher. The hypothesis was that the younger dogs heart rate would be lower. At the end of our project we were correct in our hypothesis and the dogs were healthy and happy.