The student I observed was interacting with her partner mainly and then as a whole class during the bird hunt. She also remained on task with the activity and did not veer off on discussions about outside things. Each student in the pair expressed their ideas freely to one another and to the teacher as she walked around. The question arose as to where the habitat for the student’s insect should be, as they were about to tape their bugs to the habitat. The two created a bug on a …show more content…
This activity supports science through inquiry as stated in our text “Young children should experience science in a form that engages them in the active construction of ideas and explanations and that enhances their opportunities to develop the skills of doing science” (p 87). The teacher directions were to create a bug and find a habitat that will protect them from predators. She did this through encouraging them to ask themselves and their partners about the insect they would create and how they could hide it best. They were then encouraged to pick materials based on their conclusions and to search for an environment that is best suited for their