Science in our daily life 1. Introduction-it is the age of science. There are many wonders of science. Science plays an important part in our daily life. It has made our life easier and more comfortable. Science is nothing but a systematic way of knowledge and living. Man’s qualities of curiou
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What Science Has Made for Us
DEBATE Good Morning ma’am and my dear friends, today, we all are present here to debate on the motion “Has Science made our lives more easy and comfortable?” I am going to speak against the motion. Dear friends, some say science is a boon and some say that it is a bane. According to me it i
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It is next to impossible to detach ourselves from science. We use equipments, invented by science in our daily life; but have we ever bothered to consider how science has made everyday life more comfortable, richer and progressive? If we compare the type of houses available in the past to our foref
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Wonder of Science
This is an age of science. Science has completely changed the entire world. Science has made our life more comfortable and trouble free. Science is useful to us. The blessings of Science are too many to count. Science has conquered time and distance. Electricity is another wonderful gift of science.
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Science a Boon or Abne
Science is a Boon Or Bane Science is bane for world. Because science and technology has not only grabbed us. It has also grabbed the living creature like animals, insects, bees etc. The vibration produced by mobile phone can also kill the bees. Some years after end of honey bee is certain whole h
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Science and Human Life
Science has completely changed the pattern of man's life. Our life today is radically different from forefathers. Even a few hundred years ago man was largely at the mercy of nature. Whenever there was a calamity, the only