While going through the PBS website called Power of Illusion, we found many things that were new to us and that surprised us. The things that were new to us was the idea of race is actually a modern idea. Ancient societies did not divide people according to physical differences. Another idea that was new to us, was the adding of race to our census was not added until 1790, additionally the race of “Mexican” was not added until 1930. What surprised us the most was that us as humans actually have not been around long enough to put ourselves in subcategories based on our race or ethnicity.…
The biological view on race also states that different skin color and other physical characteristics provide visible close to differences lurking underneath. People's temperament sexuality intelligence athletic ability is all presumed to be fixed and palpable mark…
* Race does not scientifically exist nor is it defined. We made it up. It evolved out of one group deciding another group is different and cultures are different. Racism has to be taught.…
Race doesn’t exist as such but racism existed and it’s grounded in different measurements, scientific measurements.…
There is a difference between race as socially constructed and race as biologically constructed. Understanding race as a social construct is critical to understanding the capacity of a given race to affect and intersect other domains and aspect of life and the society (Omi & Winant, 2014). A social construct is ontologically subjective in that the continued existence and construction of social constructs depends on social groups as well as their imposition, collective agreement, and acceptance of such constructions (Rutherford, 2017). Race is that regarded as socially constructed since it is ontologically subjective in that it is real in the society and shapes the way individuals see themselves and…
_Race - The Power of Illusion_ is a three part documentary about the origin of the term "race" and some individual views on how race is determined. The first episode; _The Difference Between Us_, explores the biological concepts of race and whether or not one 's race or ancestry can be determined by their mDNA or mitochondrial make-up. Based on the studies by the test group of students at Cold Spring Harbor Labs, the search for DNA similarities or differences among those physically identified as being part of a particular race did not produce the expected results. The idea that race is determined by biological characteristics was thought to unfold the mystery…
The experiment was mainly done to teach young students about discrimination, but looking at this experiment from the outside, one can learn a lot more about human nature than just discrimination. One can learn about how it takes a great man to not oppress those who are considered inferior to him. This is shown by the classmates turning on each other and how the superior eye colored children would start to make fun of those with inferior…
Jane Elliott’s Blue Eye/Brown Eye Experiment is one that many teachers would be scared to try. At the time, the experiment was smartly planned; it took place the day after Martin Luther King Jr. was shot. Segregation had been a topic fought over for centuries, but kids didn’t even realize that they were being racist. Especially for a small Iowa town, Jane Elliott’s experiment would have a crucial influence on students because they were exposed to a life with primarily white people. Today, Jane’s experiment would not be allowed because of strict school rules and worried parents.…
In Necropolitics, Mbembe is quoted stating “the ultimate expression of sovereignty resides, to a large degree, in the power and the capacity to dictate who may live and who must die.” Through translation this means that the highest expression of power is having the position to control and manipulate who can and cannot live. In a way this quote connects to eugenics also. According to Wikipedia, eugenics is an applied science which promotes practices that can improve the genetic makeup of an entire population. Mbembe’s quote dealt with being able to control who lives and who dies while eugenics is all about how they can eliminate a population before it’s even created by biologically enhancing the current population to create a new generation of “more desired people.” The practice of Eugenics is not only morally wrong but can also be seen as racist, because the practice of eugenics can be used to where a certain race can no longer exist or a certain race will have to reproduce with a “higher” race in order to knock out future generations of that specific race.…
Scientists elucidated on subjects they knew little about, as they used the “objectivity of science” to validate their drawn up conclusions, which resulted in continuous fallacies and common errors based…
Beginning around the 1700s, under the development of technology in many aspects, the Europeans started their expedition to explore the world. After the discover of many unknown lands, they soon developed a policy to extend their power and influence through colonies, with violence and blood. The policy was known as “imperialism”. In Africa, European imperialists ruled, killed, enslaved, and traded millions of native Africans like merchandise while also robbing all the approachable natural resources. Imperialists apparently brought a catastrophe into Africa while they even caused a lot of leftover problems to the modern Africa. However, back to the 1800s, imperialists did not think imperialism was a fault. With better-developed technology, Europeans started to believe that they enjoyed superiority in all aspects, including economics, culture and race. They made up many justifications to defend their crimes that related to these three aspects. Most of the justification could be categorized into two camps: the “internal camp” and the “external camp”. In the “internal camp”, imperialists justified themselves by connecting “nationalism” and “imperialism”, which they believed ruling an “inferior race” was an efficient way to enrich their home countries. One of the related theories was “Social Darwinism”. The “external camp” believed the intention of imperialism was to help and benefit the “barbaric” natives. One of the popular theories was the “duty theory”. However, activist Roger Casement heavily criticized imperialism by using the same concepts. He disproved both camps by pointing that imperialism neither necessarily enriched nations nor brought any benefit to the natives. With his documentary report on the Congo Free State, which was privately controlled by King Leopold II of Belgium, we could observe the…
Many sociologists believe that race is a social construction. Social construction is defined in plain English as something that we the human race created on our own. When sociologists say that race is a social construction they obviously do not mean that we created the variance in physical features of many humans. What they mean is that we coined the term “race” and use it as a separator and an identifier of a large group of people. For example, Black, White, Asian, Hispanic these are race classes our society has created and defined. I believe the European explorers were the first constructors race. As explorers travel across the seas to new lands they became in contact with different humans whom had built a society much different than European society. These new societies…
Today’s social construction has been highly influenced by the ideology of race. Race has created this process of racialization, which is when a group becomes labeled as physiologically different and inferior. Racialization involves oppression, violence, and discrimination. The term race has created a social construction and ranking system.…
There are many ways race can be shown, but I have learned that there is no biological definition of race. Most people categorize people through physical appearance and where a person is from. Just because people have a different name or a different way of doing things does not mean they are going to hurt anyone, give them a chance because they are human too.…
It was very shocking to hear the prejudices these young children had on individuals in the United States. The children made comments stating that Black people or Indian people did not belong in the United States. Once the blue-eyed/brown-eyed experiment began it was an instant flip in the student's behavior and actions towards the other students. As soon as the students with blue-eyes were given the idea that they were above those with brown-eyes they experienced confirmation bias. The blue-eyed students believed they were superior to the brown-eyed students which coincides with the idea and belief that whites are superior to blacks. Another thing that was prevalent in the experiment was stereotyping and self-fulfilling prophecy. Unfortunately stereotyping is such a common thing in society, but in this experiment stereotyping was…