The term scientific management is the combination of two words which is scientific and management. The word "Scientific" means systematic analytical and objective approach while "management" means getting things done through others. In simple words, Scientific Management means application of principles and methods of science in the field of management. "Scientific management is the art of knowing best and cheapest way". It is the art of knowing exactly what is to be done by whom it is to be done and what is the best and cheapest way of doing it.
Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915), 'father ' of scientific management, was known as one of the first person that practiced this method which can be known as Taylorism. He discovered that there is always a best machine for each job and there is also a best working method to handle their job. On the other hand, Frederick Taylor also practices his five principles of scientific management. First of all is having a clear division of tasks and responsibilities between management and workers. The second principle is the usage of scientific methods to determine the best way of doing a job. Third principle in hand is by selecting the best person to perform the newly designed job. The forth principle would be training the selected workers to perform the job in a way specified. Last but not least is the surveillance of workers through the
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