After an in-depth analysis, the scientific management has some significant problems. The major problem with scientific management is that it does not support workforce diversity. The application of the theory has been criticized as ignoring the individual differences. The most efficient way of working for one person may be inefficient for another. In addition, scientific management also ignores fact that economic interests are not the motivating factor of every individual police officers and police manager. Motivation differs from one another and they are motivated in working for different reasons.
Like any organization, the law enforcement agencies within the state and local agencies must deal with issues of organizational management and the management styles that best allow them to achieve their objectives of crime prevention and criminal apprehension. Philosophically, law enforcement does not operate on the premise of profitability like stated by Fredrick Taylor in scientific management. Majority of managements of the local law enforcement agencies interprets profitability as maximizing efficiency to better serve the community with the