School of Science and Technology
Introduction to Meteorology with Lab
4 Credit Hours
8 Week Course
Prerequisite(s): None
Table of Contents
Instructor Information
Evaluation Procedures
Course Description
Grading Scale
Course Scope
Course Outline
Course Objectives
Course Delivery Method
Academic Services
Course Materials
Selected Bibliography
Table of Contents
Course Description (Catalog)
SCIN137 Introduction to Meteorology w/ Lab (4 Credits) Introduction to Meteorology covers the fundamental principles governing the behavior of our atmosphere and the duties and methods of the professional meteorologist. Students will gain insight into the exciting discipline of meteorology, discussing topics such as cloud formation, movement in the atmosphere, thunderstorms, tornadoes, meteorological satellites, and climate change. The Meteorology laboratory will take the student deeper into the aspects of our weather through the study and exploration of our atmosphere via online interactive modules prepared by professional meteorologists. Topics to be discussed range from hurricane formation and the impacts of extreme weather to forecasting local weather and toxic pollution. The online laboratory modules increase the student’s awareness of our planet through hands on activities.
Table of Contents
Course Scope
The course is divided into 8 weeks with 2 new topics addressed each week. Topics range from the structure of the atmosphere to weather patterns to air pollution. A survey course such as this might be described as similar to the Platte River – a mile wide and an inch deep. The course introduces many topics, but time and students’ backgrounds prevent focusing very deeply into any one topic.
Laboratory assignments will provide the students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge and explore topics in greater detail.
Table of Contents
Course Objectives
The successful student will fulfill the following learning objectives:
CO-1 Describe