English Comp l
Today we will be exploring a few of the various aspects of the disorder known as Scoliosis. First on the agenda is to define Scoliosis from two different sources to come to a better understanding of just what it is. Next, is to give a description of this disorder and its varying degrees of severity. Then we will give an account of most of the known symptoms this disorder has proven to produce. Next, we will use the known symptoms in order to better understand what to look for and how to recognize and diagnose the disorder. Finally, we will give a list of treatment options and a general idea of a prognosis and long-term care.
“Scoliosis is a side-to-side (lateral) …show more content…
curvature of the spine in the shape of an S or a C of 10 degrees or greater.” (Fallon)
Scoliosis consists of the thoracic spine. Depending on the severity of the scoliosis it can cause breathing problems and also problems with the heart. It is mostly seen in females. For many years schools test for scoliosis. It also can be seen at birth as scoliosis is hereditary. There are three levels of scoliosis: mild, moderate, severe. 1. Mild:” less than 20 degrees.” (American Accreditation HealthCare Commission) 2. Moderate: “between 25 and 70 degrees” (ADAM) 3. Severe: “over 70 degrees” (ADAM)
At first, the symptoms are painless and not always easy to recognize.
Someone with scoliosis may:
* Have uneven shoulders, hips or waist. * Have a hump on one side of the back. * Have one or both or shoulder blades sticking out. * Lean slightly to one side. * Have back pain. (Brayden/Rouzier)
During physical examination with a physician, he or she will run several tests to check for scoliosis.
The first painless exam is the Adam’s forward bending test, the patient bends over as to touch the toes. The physician then runs his fingers along the spine to check for any curvature. A range of motion test is performed to evaluate the patients “flexion, extension, lateral bending and spinal rotation.” (Edgar G Dawson, MD) If one is found the next step is called the plumb line test.
The plumb line test is a “quick visual check to see the spine is straight.” (Kamiah A. Walker) This consists of a string with a weight at the end to give it weight. The string will then “fall to the left or the right of the spine instead of through the middle of the buttocks.” (Walker)
Depending on the results and severity of the test the physician may continue on to the Scoliometer. If a “rib hump” is seen the physician uses this instrument. This device measures the size of the hump. There is no pain involved in the test. (Walker)
X-ray is then used to “confirm scoliosis by showing exactly where the scoliosis affects the spine and the extent of the curve.” (Walker)
Physical therapy is commonly the first step to treatment. Of course “early diagnosis and treatment helps to prevent curve progression and deformity.”
If the curve is less than 20 degrees, no brace is needed. The patient will be evaluated every 3-6 months. (Silverstein) There are some cases where therapy is all that is needed. If the physical therapy isn’t enough the physician may also use a brace.
There are several types of braces; the physician will determine which one is best for the patient. These braces must be worn “up to 23 hours of the day.” (Walker) While the brace is in place the curve may correct itself, but as soon as the brace is removed, the curve will return. (Silverstein)
Spine surgery is considered; when the brace has not stopped the progression of the curvature. There are some considerations to take in before performing surgery. “The number of curves, where the curves are, how severe is the curve, and the age of the patient.” (Walker) The standard surgery is a “spinal fusion using a spinal instrument. Rods, hooks, cables, screw and cages are used in combinations. A surgeon will do a bone graft from the patient’s own body, (which will stimulate bone growth).” (Walker) This will help in the process of assisting the bones to fuse together.
Prognosis is based on the stage of progression at the time of visit.
Living with Scoliosis
Scoliosis is a life changing disease. The brace is very difficult to manage everyday life. The clothes don’t fit over the brace, tying shoes, and everyday activities. If the patient is an adolescent, the brace makes it difficult with teasing, and sports activities.
During the course of my research I have found that this disease is complicated. Some resources state the physical therapy is useful, but then others its not. Other resources state that surgery is the best option, and then while reading patient’s feedback some state that they have many side effects and more pain than they had before surgery and suggest to forgo the surgery. As I see it, there is no real answer to this disease.