There was no doubt about it. The stingy, cold, introverted, unappreciative fellow had become the most generous, warm-hearted, friendly, and open person you could find in all of England. Scrooge has been well aware that he had recently undertaken a tremendous change because he purposely brought it upon himself. Fred and Bob Cratchit and Tiny Tim and his maid all oversaw that he upheld his vow of retaining the Christmas spirit in heart yearlong. He so far had been successful in being pleasant all year long, but as he traveled through the market square, he noticed that there were three homeless men that were leaning against the wall like always. Scrooge felt an old heartache for them. He reminisced the days where he would …show more content…
Whenever people talked to him as if he was still a despicable person, he started to point out their own flaws. Being a businessman, he was capable to do this quite regularly because to be able to make a sound deal, he needed to be able to promptly see imperfections and use them to his advantage. However, these men were taking his weakness to use it against him.
"Who do you folks think you are?" said Scrooge angrily at the …show more content…
It was the same thing that occurred eight years ago- death. Both the previous day and eight years ago, Scrooge had a loved one succumb to the indifferent grasp of death. Eight years ago, it was Jacob Marley. One day ago, it was Tiny Tim. Scrooge had genuinely tried his best to stop this awful disaster from passing. Alas, Scrooge remembered a quote- "There is no great news, there is no light at the end of the tunnel, there is no silver lining." He didn't remember the rest. Scrooge had to agree with the quote as of recently. In the past week, he has received nothing but defeat. Scrooge was striving to obtain a new associate at the new counting house he had erected, Scrooge and Cratchit. He had overlooked how much more comfortable things were when he was doing business with a partner. As he reminisced about the years he operated with Marley, he recollected how he didn't have to personally go in for every deal with just his notes to go off of, he had Marley's keen eye to help him out. Now, with Bob Cratchit, he had a compassionate heart as