Topic: “Activities of Investment Bank in the case of IDLC Investments Limited” Supervised by: Mr. Probal Dutta Assistant Professor BRAC Business School BRAC University
Submitted by: Md. Abu Taher ID: 07304020 BRAC Business School BRAC University
Date of Submission: 28th September, 2011
28th September, 2011 Mr. Probal Dutta Assistant Professor BRAC Business School BRAC University Subject: Submission of the report on “Activities of Investment Banking in the case of IDLC Investment Limited”
Dear Sir:
Here is the report on “Activities of Investment Banking in the case of IDLC Investment Limited” which you asked me to conduct.
I would like to thank you for giving me to prepare such a report. It has helped me to know about the activities of IDLC properly. While preparing this report, I had to search information from websites and from other secondary sources. I also had to take interview of the company personnel to know specifically about the services provided. After that I analyzed the information and came out with some results. This helped me to know about investment banking and its impact on the capital market. Moreover, I came to know about the business to business financial services through it.
I appreciate having this report. If you should need any assistance in interpreting the report, please contact me at
______________ Md. Abu Taher ID- 07304020
It’s a matter of great contentment to be able to complete this study project in due time. My endeavor will be considered successful if the report is of any help to you. At the very outset I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to Almighty Allah for giving me the capacity to complete this task. Then I would like to place my humble gratitude to my respected supervisor Mr. Probal Dutta, Assistant professor, BRAC Business School, BRAC University for his valuable time commitment,