By: Jamie Becker
Cubist art began in Paris around 1907 (20th century)
Cubism changed the way we see the world. It “rejected the idea that art should imitate nature”
The movement was most prevalent in France
The dominant artists of this movement were Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque
Futurism began in the early 20th century
This movement was associated with concepts of the future, such as technology, cars, and even youth.
Futurism was most powerful in Italy
The main artist of this movement was Filippo Marinetti
Modernism was popular in the late 19 century and early 20th century
The movement was a trend that made humans believe they had the power to create or improve the environment.
Modernism was popular in France
One main artist for modernism is Jackson Pollock
Post-modernism became popular in the mid-1800s
The movement is mostly distinguished by its rejection of modernism.
This movement was very popular in most European countries
A popular artist for this movement was Warhol
Abstract Expressionism
Abstract Expressionism started in the 1920s and continued throughout the 20th century
This movement “combines abstract form and expressionist emotional value” and was characterized by the fact that it had many styles.
Abstract expressionism was mostly popular in America.
Dominant artists are Mary Abbott and Charles Alston
Surrealism began in the early 1920s
It is defined by its “element of surprise”
The center of this movement was Paris.
Dominant artists were Jean Arp and Victor Brauner
This movement began in 1919
“The movement was in favor of art as a practice for social purposes”
Constructivism originated in Russia
Dominant artists for this movement were Alexander Rodchenko and Vadym Meller
Art Deco
Art Deco began in Paris in the 1920s
This art movement was different because it influenced many categories in art.