One of these ideologies was the fight over the Second Red Scare. The Second Red Scare was a fear of the spread of communism that took place in the 1940’s and 50’s. The first Red Scare that occurred was in the early 1900’s. The fear of original Red Scare was back due to many events such sorts of events such as the McCarthy series. Joseph McCarthy was a Republican senator from Wisconsin. He was strongly anti-communism and promoted the Red Scare through his television show. On his show, McCarthy was able to convince millions of viewers about communist infiltration in the United States. These infiltrations were involved in the United States government and also the army. Capitol hill did not take what McCarthy was doing slightly and considered it “bullying tactics” (Carlin 2017). The following election, McCarthy was replaced as the head of the investigating committee which bring an end to his anti - communist influence. …show more content…
The presidents during this time were Dwight D. Eisenhower and Harry S Truman. Both of which passed the Eisenhower doctrine and the Truman Doctrine. The Truman Doctrine was passed through congress to supply aid and military supplies to Greece and Turkey. During this time, Russia had been attempting to spread communism around the globe creating the Second Red Scare. In fear that this would spread to Turkey and Greece, Truman used a bribe-like method in order to stop the spread of communism into the two countries. Eisenhower's Doctrine was an attempt for congress to give him military and financial aid to help those fighting communism in the middle east. This again is because of Russia in their attempt to spread communism. Both of these attempts were used for the benefit of not only the United States but for other countries around the