How does one comprehend [with] the vast wonder life has to offer? Or how does one able to understand the meaning of trials in life? There are a [lot of ways] number of ways in which one can manifest the grandeur of life, the complexity of its meaning, and the severity of its tragedies. But in order to achieve such, one must be totally submissive to an eternal Being, who is omnipotent enough to see us through, powerful enough that our knees shake, lovable enough that our hearts are melted. But still we are given a free will to choose, and also, our personalities, temperament and attitude also affect [with] that understanding. We are all unique and special in our package as persons, we have a different perspective on that Eternal Being who is God, and it will differ on our own personal experience who is He and how He is able to manifest in our lives. Here lies the secret of the “greatest saint in modern times”: Thérèse of Lisieux. I am anxious how to write a paper in her honor, a paper that that will bring justice, accepted by her and by her fans. I myself is a great fan of hers for she is the first saint I ever knew and admired, of course after the Blessed Virgin Mary. Her story is made known through her autobiography The Story of a Soul, which she wrote two years before her death. I will be using the Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, the story of a soul translated by John Beevers, 1957. From here I will point out how this obscure nun gather such a number of followers and admirers that even great figures of the church such as Pope Francis, Teresa of Calcutta, and Padre Pio had such devotion. Her autobiography herself presents nothing more than a plain recollection of her past. These consist from her childhood memories, teenage years, school days, holidays and tours with the family, joyful and also painful experiences, and also, her life, her consolation and desolation in the Carmel convent in Lisieux. There is nothing new about
Cited: Beevers, John. The Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. The Story of A Soul. New York, Double Day & Company Inc., 1957. Clarke, John O.C.D. The Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux. The Story of A Soul. Washington: ICS Publication, 1976. Jamart. Francois, O.C.D. Complete Spiritual Doctrine of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Manila: St. Paul Publication, 1989. Kinney Donald, O.C.D. The Poetry of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. Washington: ICS Publication, 1996.