John Doe University
Calvary chapel of Brevard (CCB) has been a long-standing pillar of strength in Brevard County. Calvary 's mission to reach a hurting world and support Brevard 's citizens has made Calvary a church home for many families in the community. Calvary 's outreach programs have met numerous needs of the community 's struggling families. Calvary has also provided a safe haven for those struggling from financial, physical, and spiritual needs, since its inception 10 years ago. Donna and Michael Little attend CCB along with their 4 children, Bailey (2), Darcy (4), Connor (5) and Stephen (7). Last year Stephen Little was diagnosed with a disability known as Selective Mutism. Calvary has had a long time relationship with the Little family. Now that Stephen has been diagnosed with Selective Mutism, there is a need to offer help to the Little family. This is a proposal for an all-inclusion children 's ministry, outlining Stephen 's disability and special needs. CCB has a mission and desire to include all children in their outreach programs. This program would accommodate Stephen and his family and provide a positive and safe place for spiritual growth for the Little family. Offering a full-inclusion children 's ministry will not only help Stephen, but also support families in the community with varying disabilities.
Selective Mutism: Full Inclusion plan for Calvary Chapel 's Children 's Ministry Calvary Chapel of Brevard (CCB) is a non-denominational and multi-cultural church located in Viera, Florida. Calvary was built in 2002 with the desire to reach thousands of people in Brevard County and train Calvary 's members to be missionaries to their community and to the world. Calvary focuses on the Great Commission Jesus instructed his disciples to follow in Matthew 28:18-20. Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has
References: Beth Pionek Stone; Kratochwill, Thomas R; Sladezcek, Ingrid; Serlin, Ronald C. School Psychology Quarterly[pic]17. 2[pic] (Summer 2002): 168. Eric, Mash J., David A. Wolfe, Robin Hornik Parritz, and Michael F. Troy. Exceptional Child Psychology. 1st ed. Ohio: Cengage Learning, 2011. Print. Women 's Devotional Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006. Print. Owen, M. (2008). Communication through story: Story-making with a child diagnosed with selective mutism. Concordia University (Canada)). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, Retrieved from (304478487). Mount, Marva. "Texas Speech-Language Hearing Association." Texas Speech-Language Hearing Association. EBS University, Mar.-Apr. 2010. Web. 23 Sept. 2012. . Steinhausen, H.-C., Wachter, M., Laimböck, K. and Metzke, C. W. (2006), A long-term outcome study of selective mutism in childhood. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 47: 751–756. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2005.01560.x Kehle, T. J., Bray, M. A., Byer-alcorace, G. F., Theodore, L. A. and Kovac, L. M. (2012), Augmented self-modeling as an intervention for selective mutism. Psychol. Schs., 49: 93–103. doi: 10.1002/pits.21589