1. Facilitation Skills
Activity preparation
To ‘facilitate’ means literally to make easier. At the beginning however, group participants needs to see my role as a facilitator more clearly.
I believe that when I have a good performance during activity facilitation it’s because my pre preparation for the activity. It may be a boring and tiring process but it necessary and from crucial importance to pass this step. Because when i study topic of the activity it push me to reflect about it, and carefully understand the activity flowing i wish to implement.
As the student with whom I work group becomes more experienced and self-regulating I believe I should take more of a back seat, stepping in only when necessary.
Pre preparation means for me:
- Clear activity goal - Clear planning sessions - If i have a partner discuss with him and share duties - Being sure that i didn’t leave something behind - Evaluation methods
For the facilitation process is also important to know with what kind of participants’ structure I will work. This is especially important if i have in mind that any process that occurs in group is interactive and implies incomes of all parties. So if i talk about preparation it should be named Preliminary preparation as it is certain that the facilitation process will be enriched with activities and needs of participants. Because of that, in the preparation phase I always conceive a B plan. And plan B is adapt to the situation and try to find solution including the group energy toward an interesting and constructive workshop.
Activity implementation:
It’s in my nature to be very open and make positive impression toward the people that i work or live. As an Ice Breaker, I have capability to make people feel comfortable in my presence.
I always try to begin the