It is important for every individual to understand themselves. If you can understand yourself, you will understand others easily. Communication with others will be easier for you. Different self awareness questions, methods and studies can help us discover things about ourselves that we did not know. We can find about our hidden and unknown sides. Being open to feedback from others can make us stronger managers. Managers with higher levels of self awareness are more likely to advance in their organizations than the ones with lower self awareness. It is not unusual that our first case study case starts with self awareness topic.
Summary of the case study Sally Smith is a marketing manager for one of the hotels in Phoenix, AZ. She attends a regular Tuesday meeting with senior staff. She knows that today's topic has vague sounding heading, it is called “morale issues.” She knows that some of her colleagues are not going to attend the meeting since this meeting does not sound too important. Some of them decided to catch up on pile of paperwork that had been put off. Jeff, however is playing golf with his college friends. But this event turned out to be a good one, because they had to do self awareness assessment. General Manager, John, realizes that there is a great turnover in his hotel and he decides to hire a consultant to help him with the problem. Consultant talks about self awareness as a key issue for a successful manager. If managers understand themselves, they can manage others better. All the employees were given a homework to finish due the next meeting. They are supposed to do a “self awareness assessment.” The next Monday before finishing up the day, Jeff asks Sally about “self awareness assessment.” Sally knows he is going to ask for help. Since she attended the meeting she feels bad not to help him, but he should have been there to take notes for himself.
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