Ricky McNeal
December 9th, 2012
Maria Cuddy-Casey
Individual Development Plan
When it comes to understanding emotions, individual development of emotional intelligence is detrimental. Individual development plan will help an organizations, supervision, employees, and customers. The benefit of an emotionally intelligent person is the ability to manage an experience with someone positively. Five basic competencies will help an individual development plan which includes self-awareness, motivation, regulation, relationships, and empathy. The five basic competencies help deal with emotions of an individual towards others. When an emotionally intelligent individual understands emotions, versatility can be …show more content…
used effectively in the corporate world.
The first competence that should be the main focus involved with individual development is self-awareness.
According to Pathway to Happiness website, “is having a clear perception of your personality, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, and emotions. Self-Awareness allows you to understand other people, how they perceive you, your attitude and your responses to them in the moment” (Pathway to Happiness, 2012). When an individual can understand their own weaknesses, strengths, thoughts, and what motivates them. Learning from mistakes is a benefit from self-awareness. Development of self-awareness starts with character, reaction, and attention to detail. Direction of how an individual is thinking helps understand thoughts. Self-awareness in regards to relationships helps understand emotional changes, thoughts, and emotional state or quality. Development of personality helps deal with attention of peoples. Limiting the amount of uninformed decisions helps emotional state. Thinking about what is going to get said or done is the best way to communicate. Respect for relationships depends on the ability to communicate. When someone is unable to control anger they tend to miss out on good relationships. Learning from mistakes can help build character, relationship quality, and controlling anger along with the cause of …show more content…
The use of the emotions to motivate positive enhancement in life is self-motivation. Dedication in pursuing goals to achieve great accomplishments is difficult when no one is available to help. According to Mind Tool’s website, “Self-motivation is complex. It 's linked to your level of initiative in setting challenging goals for yourself; your belief that you have the skills and abilities needed to achieve those goals; and your expectation that if you put in enough hard work, you will succeed” (Mind Tools, 2012). Self-motivation requires dedication, optimism, positive thinking, and persistence. Individuals learn to self-motivation by having a dream and getting inspired by something or someone. Self-motivation is an understanding of what needs to be done and not allowing any procrastination. The best source of motivation understands inspirations and what it takes to achieve a goal. The most important thing about success with self-motivation is having the desire.
Self-regulation determines what kind of experience someone elects to have at a certain time.
Self-regulation is difficult to control and takes a great deal of practice. Self-regulation stops negative emotions from getting the best of someone. According to Steven Stosny, “self-regulation skill is necessary for reliable emotional well-being. Behaviorally, self-regulation is the ability to act in your long-term best interest, consistent with your deepest values. Emotionally, self-regulation is the ability to calm yourself down when you 're upset and cheer yourself up when you 're down” (Stosny, 2011). The benefit of self-regulation is when an individual has goals there are usually internal and have a process of achieving future endeavors. Self-regulation is understood once an individual understands circumstances and experiences of situation that have happened. Attention to detail, management of thoughts, character, and attention span. Self-monitoring is an important aspect for individual emotional intelligence. Setting goals and controlling behavior influence short term and long term goals. Self-regulation helps internal and external situations that help strategy of appropriate
Nurturing Relationships
According to Barton Goldsmith, “A relationship cannot survive on its own. It needs the care and nurturing of two adults, giving to each other in a way that creates a mutually beneficial connection. To foster a deep and loving relationship there are ten things needed” (Goldsmith, 2011). Communication is crucial because without collaboration team projects suffer. Working through situations and disagreements is the path to happiness. Relationships involve sharing life lessons with others while also learning from different people helps gain experience socially and emotionally. Emotional support, complimenting, and given validation builds a foundation with others. The key to nurturing relationships is the ability to admit mistakes and understand others will make them also.
For an individual to have emotional intelligence empathy is also important. According to psychology today, “Empathy is the experience of understanding another person 's condition from their perspective. You place yourself in their shoes and feel what they are feeling. Empathy is known to increase prosaically (helping) behaviors” (Psychology Today, 2012). The benefit of empathy is an understanding of other people’s emotions and respecting their perspective. Empathy is important for guiding others to a positive emotional state and has optimism when something negative has happened. Empathy allows recognition of others feelings and the ability to understand their emotion. Human concern is an important factor and is part of development for morals. The ability to find a resolution to individual’s conflicts and caring about their emotions is a good sign of emotions.
Emotional intelligence is important to individual development in society. Individual development allows emotional intelligence to recognize feelings of others verbally and actions. The ability to adapt to various situations is beneficial to nurturing relationships. When developing a plan to grow consideration of listening, communication skills, and being able to compromise is important. Building a foundation of emotional competence helps development and is essential in the corporate world. Understanding self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, and empathy is important for individual development Using the basic competence for individual development will help use the appropriate emotional intelligent for multiple situations and gain effective leadership skills
Goldsmith, B. (2011, July 28). 10 Ways to Nurture Your Relationship (and Get Some Back). Retrieved from http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/emotional-fitness/201107/10-ways-nurture-your-relationship-and-get-some-back-0
Mind Tools. (2012, December 9). How Self-Motivated Are You? Retrieved from http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_57.htm
Pathway to Happiness. (2012, December 9). Self Awareness. Retrieved from http://www.pathwaytohappiness.com/self-awareness.htm
Psychology Today. (2012, December 9). All About Empathy. Retrieved from http://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/empathy
Stosny, S. (2011, October 28). Self-Regulation. Retrieved from http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/anger-in-the-age-entitlement/201110/self-regulation