Self-awareness is a broader concept that focuses on the image that an individual has of him/herself. Self-awareness as the individual 's ability to assess other 's evaluations of the self and to incorporate these assessments into one 's self-evaluation, Individual who is self-aware has a deep understanding of his/her emotions, strengths, weaknesses and drives. The definition of managerial self-awareness as the ability to reflect on accurately assesses one 's own behaviours and skills as they are manifested in workplace interactions. Awareness of any discrepancy between how we see ourselves and how others see us enhances self-awareness is a key to maximum performance (McCarthy and Garavan 1999).
2.Assessing of Self-AwarenessBeagrie 2005; McCarthy and Garavan 1999 argue that a cannily chosen mentor can help you attain higher levels of self-awareness by helping you to understand your own emotions. As an onlooker, it will be easier for them to evaluate certain traits that impact on how you behave. Fear is arguably the most significant stumbling block in developing self-awareness, fear of the unknown, fear of failure, of discomfort, of appearing ridiculous or incompetent. Confronting our fears and the role that fear plays in our resistance to change are key to developing potential (Beagrie 2005). Peterson and Hicks (1995) cited by (McCarthy and Garavan 1999) highlight the area of self-awareness as essential for self-development.
To measure the self-awareness by evaluate other individual
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