This essay will determine knowledge of this chosen aspect of teaching and learning, critically evaluate the concept of self directed and lifelong learning from the authors own perspective an a nurse educator. The essay will also identify and consider challenges that arise in the application of self-directed and lifelong learning, identify areas where this chosen topic will assist in bridging the theory practice gap, as well as identifying outcomes for patient/client care.
The central question of how adults learn has occupied the attention of scholars and practitioners since the founding of adult education as a professional field of practice in the 1920’s. Some eighty years later, we have no single answer, no one theory or model of adult learning that explains all that we know about adult learners, the various contexts where learning takes place, and the process of learning itself. What we do have is a mosaic of theories, models, sets of principles, and explanations that, combined, compose the knowledge base of adult learning. Two important pieces of that mosaic are andragogy and self directed learning (Merriam, 2001).
Knowles (1980, p.47) proposed a programme planning model for designing, implementing, and evaluating educational experiences with adults. Knowles suggested that the adult classroom climate should be one of “adultness,” both physically and psychologically. In an “adult” classroom, adults “feel accepted, respected and supported”; further, there exists “a spirit of mutuality between students and teachers as joint enquirers”. And because adults manage other aspects of their lives then they are also capable of directing, or at least assisting in planning their own learning.
Knowles himself came to concur that andragogy is less a theory of adult learning than “a model
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