
Self Doubt Quotes

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Self Doubt Quotes
Matrix C/ART Essay

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” As Karim Seddiki once said, such a simple quote displayed a deep understanding of how self-doubt can have a big influence on you in the long term. When an individual has a lack of confidence in their ability to pursue a certain wish, their journey towards self-discovery can be more challenging and less commendable in the end. In the Wachowskis film: The Matrix, Neo was faced with many difficult decisions whether to undertake the major role of being the One who is capable of saving everyone’s constraint living style. Directors also intend for us to learn that self-doubt has an influence on the individual's’ journey towards self-discovery because when one starts to self-discover, they will inevitably also be on the journey towards a fearless expression. Likewise, when you are too self-conscious and have a lack of confidence, it can impact how you look at your personal reputation. The influences can lead an individual to decode his full potential and result in greatness.
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When Neo began combat training and started to learn Jujitsu, he found himself fighting Morpheus with Kung Fu and his neutral kinetic skills were far above average. When Morpheus beat him to the ground, as Neo was struggling to get back up, Morpheus says: “ What are you waiting for? You're faster than this. Don't think you are, know you are.... Come on. Stop trying to hit me and HIT me.” By means of criticizing his ability, Neo stood up menacingly and began to hit him like a beast indiscriminately which contrasted sharply with his behavior in the beginning when he decided to fall into Agent Smith’s custody. It best symbolized how self-doubt on one’s ability can play a major role in self-discovery since as self-doubt increases, courage

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