<br>The first topic of discussion is the self-imposed, or self-inflicted, self-fulfilling prophecy. This idea follows that if one has a preconception or notion of an outcome, then chances are that person will raise the possibility of making it so. Take for example these cases-in-hand that Channing Grigsby, teacher of self-esteem speaks of:
<br>I can't handle this.' And guess what? We don't handle it well. If I tell myself I won't have a good time at the party I'm going to, I am likely to behave in ways that generate exactly that reality, eliciting from other people indifferent responses, proving my premise. ("A Course in Self-Esteem" 5)
<br>Additionally, and antithetically, consider the example of the student studying for a mathematics test the following morning whose belief is that since he is and has been studying and has a good working knowledge of the subject area, that he will do well on the test and does so the following morning. When compared to another student doing the same but is less prepared and knowledgeable in the area and additionally thinks that he will fail and did, he performed better because of his positive expectation and preparedness. Take a moment to
Cited: /b> <br><li>Adler, Ronald B., and Neil Towne. Looking Out, Looking In. USA: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1999. <br><li>Bidwell, Lee D. Millar, and Brenda J. Vander Mey. Sociology of the Family: Investigating Family Issues. MA: Allyn & Bacon, 2000. <br><li>Bushman, Brad J., Roy F. Baumeister, and Angela D. Stack. "Catharsis, Aggression, and Persuasive Influence: Self-Fulfilling or Self-Defeating Prophecies." Online Posting. 17 July 2001 <http://www.apa.org/journals/psp/psp763367.html>. <br><li>Grigsby, Channing. "A Course in Self-Esteem: 5. Sources of Low Self-Esteem." Online Posting. 17 July 2001 <http://www.getnewvisions.com/se/05crse_sources.html>. <br><li>"Self-fulfilling." Def. 2. Merriam Webster 's Collegiate Dictionary. 10th ed. 1997.