Morris et al. (2014) conducted a series of studies on such. The first involved participants viewing images of pregnant women after priming with death-related essay questions. Participants then answered a questionnaire serving as the operational definition of “literal self-objectification.” The results of the study depicted an increased tendency for women to dehumanize themselves after viewing images associated with feminine reproduction. The second study focused on menstruation and involved a participant first answering the same essay questions as Study 1. The experimenter asked the participant if they could borrow a tampon to introduce menstruation saliency. Participants were again given a questionnaire meant to measure self-objectification. Like the first study, women primed with reproductive reminders rated themselves with a higher denial of human nature. The findings support how the phenomena of literal self-objectification refers back to terror management theory, where the existential threat of mortality diminishes by objectifying one’s self and thus diffusing the
Morris et al. (2014) conducted a series of studies on such. The first involved participants viewing images of pregnant women after priming with death-related essay questions. Participants then answered a questionnaire serving as the operational definition of “literal self-objectification.” The results of the study depicted an increased tendency for women to dehumanize themselves after viewing images associated with feminine reproduction. The second study focused on menstruation and involved a participant first answering the same essay questions as Study 1. The experimenter asked the participant if they could borrow a tampon to introduce menstruation saliency. Participants were again given a questionnaire meant to measure self-objectification. Like the first study, women primed with reproductive reminders rated themselves with a higher denial of human nature. The findings support how the phenomena of literal self-objectification refers back to terror management theory, where the existential threat of mortality diminishes by objectifying one’s self and thus diffusing the