Name of Student Name of University
Introduction to the course
The course is concerned with the importance of self-regulation in academic excellence for students and professionals indulging in different kinds of learning’s from studies, sports etc. Academic excellence as a term does not imply simple excellence like getting ranks etc merely, however it is a way of expressing the fulfillment of goals and objectives set by the learners. It is how effectively the learners learn the course and then are able to apply it in practical life which marks the effectiveness of any learning or course.
This course also defines how self-regulatory studies and motivational beliefs like efficacy etc are the key which helps the learners and students to grow better and become well verse with the course and thus achieve academic excellence. Self regulation is defined as self generation of thoughts, actions, and feelings so that personal goals and objectives set by individuals during the course are achieved. At the same time motivational belief in this context means the belief one has on himself and its strength through which makes the person more interested in any course and thereby learns more so as to achieve the excellence in learning.
Main Body
The course defines the importance of academics and its excellence in the pursuit of learner’s life. Also the course has a number of learning which are important to be used in practical life, some common learning that the course outlines are:-
Learning’s from the Course
Firstly the course provides a link between self regulation, motivational beliefs etc with academics and learning excellence. The link outlines that talent possessed by an individual does not simply imply that the person is good at things, however it is consistent learning and the eagerness to perform that marks an expert. Thus to put in a nutshell having the skills are not important but unleashing them and that too with
References: Zimmerman, BJ 2000, 'Achieving Academic Excellence: A Self-Regulatory Perspective ', in M Ferrari (ed.), The Pursuit of Excellence Through Education, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah NJ. Cunliffe, AL 2009, 'The Philosopher Leader: On Relationalism, Ethics and Reflexivity—A Critical Perspective to Teaching Leadership ', Management Learning, vol 40, no. 1, pp. 87-101. Zimmerman, BJ 2000, 'An Essential Motive To Learn ', Contemporary Education Psychology, vol 25, no. 1, pp. 82-91. Zimmerman, BJ & Schunk, DH 2013, Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement: Theoretical Perspectives, Routledge, New York.