Throughout the various assessments, I have mastered the use of the technology that was provided to me. I have learned how to communicate through the discussion board to my instructors and classmates. I have learned how to use the CSU Online Library to access various research articles. I have learned how to use numerous search engines as tools for research, and how to assess the quality of the material that I have gathered. The class Discussion Board was a new learning experience for me. When I had attended CSU in 2009 to 2011 it was mostly optional to participate in the classroom discussions, whereas this class it was mandatory for each unit. This type of communication enabled me to see how people can get to know each other without ever seeing each other face to face. What was particularly interesting for me was being required to upload projects on the Turnitin site. These different forms of technical communication allowed me to participate by interacting with my classmates as well as my instructor.
I believe that learning should be a voluntary process, and that teaching should be a response to that voluntary process—not a thorn in ones side, and definitely not a one-person show. The most important aspect of this online class has been learning about what defines a successful online student and how it differs from a traditional classroom student. Not only does this environment place the responsibility to learn on the student, it offers students the flexibility needed to participate in their education at their own pace. Many times throughout the past eight weeks I had work-related issues and could not participate every day or at a specific time. I did participate, but when it was convenient for me to do so. Sometimes my learning time took place during the planned time schedule