Professor Thomas P. Galvin had identified several competencies that describes altitude, behavior, values and ethics specifically associated with senior military leadership. Four of these competencies are “persistent”, or which does every day a “mid-career” officer. The rest four mission-specific roles for senior leaders that require skills and knowledge taught at the highest levels of professional military education, experiences and abilities …show more content…
P. Galvin describes “Strategic planner” as “ Senior leaders design, develop, and execute strategic plans, employ force and other dimensions of power, unify military and non-military activities, and apply ends, ways, and means. Strategic planners must display a propensity for operating comfortably at the joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational levels. They show comfort in dealing with complex adaptive systems and acknowledging and addressing the political dimension of military operations without compromising the principles of campaign planning.”(2. Prof. Thomas P. Galvin, “Welcome to the Seminar,” April, 2015 …show more content…
His experience helped him to define new realities in the new “world order”. His vision as senior leader at the strategic level was a transition of the huge structure of the armed forces to less but still capable of performing basic missions pursuant U.S. Constitution “a shift from a solely threat-based force to a threat- and capability-based force”. (Colin L. Powell, My American Journey,