Introduction Mixtures are usually content of two or more substances. There are two kind of mixtures, Homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures. For Homogeneous mixture we cannot see the individual particles of the components, a good example of that will be air, cola drink, and rubbing alcohol. And for heterogeneous mixture we can see the individual particles of the components, a good example of that will be rocks and soil. There are a variety of methods that we can separate the mixtures with. Physical and chemical methods are the most useful way to separate the components. A ternary mixture is containing three substances; it can be separated by both physical and chemical method in many steps.
Submitted as the carbon-less copy of the pre-lab outline (see attached).
Data and calculations Measuring the mass of beaker 1 we got 66.26 g and adding 5 g of the sample we totaled 71.26 g. And measuring the mass of the second beaker we had 69.73 g and by subtracting 71.26 g we got 1.53 g for NaCl. After that we evaporate SiO2 in a dish and we had the mass of dish + the sample as 43.37 g the dish itself was 42.68 g and we got the mass of SiO2 as .69 g. Our final result was for CaCO3 we measured the mass of watch glass + filter paper and got 47.96 g and measuring again with the sample we got 55.06 g, after drying our CaCO3 mass was 7.1 g. As a total recovered mass we got 9.32 g from the initiate mass which was 5 g. The percent recovery is 186.4% and the error was 86.4%.
Results and discussion After we done everything we calculate the mass at the beginning and at end, we found out that our final mass was over size due some error during the dryness of the chalk substance (CaCO3 ). Our total mass recovered was 9.32 g, as a result we over sized the experiment by 4.32 g of water and equal to 86.4 percent error.