With this, there is now a power to make federal laws that apply to the entire nation. (Losco and Baker 2013, pg 24) The executive branch has the authority to make and impose federal laws using federal departments and agencies, a cabinet and regulations. The president is the chief executive of this subdivision, which also supervises the military. The powers of the executive branch also contain veto power over all bills with the capability to employ judges and other officials, the ability to create treaties and power to matter pardons. (Losco and Baker 2013, pg 24) The judicial branch are federal courts and has the power to take federal laws by hearing arguments about the implication of laws and how they are supported out. (Losco and Baker 2013, pg …show more content…
The whole world knew Washington would be the first president no matter what kind of variety system was used (and he is still the only president named universally in the Electoral College). But the Framers weren’t sure that, after Washington, any succeeding great man would have a equivalent national status.
The Framers were an objectively aristocratic bunch, many of whom had varied feelings about “democracy,” which they sometimes held as mob rule. (Losco and Baker 2013, pg 43) Although the preamble begins with “We, the people,” and guarantees a “republican form of government” to all of the states, the word “democracy” is not stated in the text of the Constitution.
The electors were planned to be men of moral standing whose judgment would be trustworthy to know something -- and something more than the average voter -- about the great men of the nation who might be worthy of consideration for president. If there was a new Washington out there somewhere, the electors were supposed to be the kind of gentlemen of sufficient learning and wisdom and connections to the national scene to know about