Task A2
1) Sequence of development is the order of development that all children need to go through. It is linked to body, mobility and intellectual growth. It us a definite pattern of development. For example a child will learn to walk before they can run or they will learn to sit up before they can stand. All children will achieve the sequence of development but it may not be at the same rate as others. The sequence can include an order that is positive and negative- deterioration
The rate of development is when the child reaches a milestone. It is linked to a timeframe of age. All children will go thought the sequence of development but it will vary in every child at what rate they achieve the development at. For example a child …show more content…
There are three parts that make up our personality.
The ID- the instinctive part of our personality. It is governed by other parts of the body such as the need for food or finding pleasure. The ID doesn’t consider how others will be affected by meeting their needs and wants. It is often thought of as selfish or passionate. It is suggested that babies are only born with the ID as they cry when they have wants and needs regardless if how others are feeling.
The ego- this is the planning role. This will work out how to meet the ID’s needs and wants. This is learnt in the first few months of life. Babies will soon realise that if they smile they may get some of their needs and desires met without them crying. In some situations the ego may make the ID wait for their demands to be met. For example if a child takes a sweet without asking they may find that they are taken away so will wait until they are offered and then get the sweet, This is called deferred …show more content…
Bandura created an experiment where children watched footage about a Bobo doll. He showed a group of children a clip of other children hitting, punching and kicking (aggressive behaviour) bobo doll (a doll that bounces up when pushed). The children then in turn went into a room where the bobo doll was to see how reacted. They copied what they saw in the video.
Bandura then showed a different group of children a video of other children were gentle, cuddling or not interested in the bobo doll. They then sent these children into the room where the bobo doll was and once again the copied what they had seen in the video. Children learn from observation and copying. Children learn by imitating what they see adults and other children doing. Cognition is where children need to be able to notice the activity and remember it accurately. This is now known as the social cognitive