Serious case reviews are normally carried out if a child has died due to suspected abuse or neglect, such as in the case of Victoria Climbie and Baby P. A serious case review might also be required if a child is found to have life threatening injuries or has been seriously hurt. The purpose of a serious case review is to highlight any failings and how lessons can be learnt in the future. Lessons learnt from such reviews include sharing information and communication, keeping an accurate timeline of events and overcoming the problem of hard to reach families. They may also include clear planning and everyone’s …show more content…
Confidentiality is taken so seriously that there is a legislation in place that covers all information that is stored. Schools are one example of a workplace which should adhere to this legislation. Records, storing of data and passing of information is strictly regulated by the Data Protection Act 1998. The act covers paper –based and electronic records, it has been updated. It is designed to prevent confidential and personal information from getting into the wrong hands or without that person’s consent.
As a school we comply fully with the above legislation and here are some examples of how we do this. Any information we keep about children such as contact details are stored in separate folders and in a locked cabinet. The staff have access to this cabinet during the school day if they need to contact a parent for any reason. Only certain members of staff have keys to this cabinet and it is obviously locked overnight and at weekends and holidays. In the classroom children’s work is filed away in a filing cabinet and this can also be locked. Any information regarding the children, such as speech and language therapy reports are kept at school. For my 1:1 child I have a notebook which I write in everyday regarding his learning. This is left at school to prevent it being lost and also for confidentiality reasons. (Someone else in my family might read them and this would breach confidentiality) It is also good practice not to leave things lying around at school for others to