Depression is associated with a reduction in serotonin uptake sites and an increase in some classes of serotonin receptors. It’s a major depressive disorder. Used to be thought of an illness of the soul but currently as a disorder of …show more content…
They are a group of G protein receptors that are found in the central and peripheral nervous systems. They are the target for most pharmaceutical drugs when trying to treat biological and neurological processes. They have an influence on mood, memory, cognition, and others. The receptors are used not just for depression but also for insomnia, anxiety, migraines, Parkinson’s disease, and many more. It increases the production of serotonin. It can improve symptoms of depression and some research says that is as conventional antidepressant therapy.
A conference at the Université de Montréal in May 2011 about the serotonin hypothesis. “the neurobiology of depression – revisiting the 5-HT hypothesis.” Alec Coppen with the 5-HT. The primary formulation of the receptors with serotonin that a deficit of 5-HT, reversed by antidepressants, which would restore normal function in depressed patients. It is a main cause for the development of the brain.
Researches found that the increase of serotonin in depression patients were ineffective at relieving depression. (for the medication