Journal entry: 3
Candidate number:
Name of firm:
Pastry House
Type of service:
Price of service:
Service encounter date:
What specific circumstances led to this service encounter?
It is a Monday morning; I was in a hurry but decided to stop for a coffee on my way to lectures.
Briefly describe the service encounter so that someone who were not there would know what happened?
I was in a hurry but decided to quickly have my breakfast before lectures. It was a fairly close location to the University. Perhaps my expectations were high because it was an expensive place to visit. Nevertheless, I expected a line in a coffee shop to move quickly and to complete my transaction in less than six minutes.
I think majority of the people ahead of me were unsure of what they wanted to order and ended up ordering either a sandwich or a bagel. However, my understand of how Pastry House policy is to make these items from scratch, which takes at least five times longer than a typical coffee order.
How would you rate your level of satisfaction with this encounter?
Extremely dissatisfied
Extremely satisfied
What exactly made you feel that way?
The man issue to me was they weren’t fulfilling their fast enough and their lack of an effect design within their ordering system cost me my time. I expected a better service delivery considering the fact that I am paying a bit extra for it, compare to what other competitors offers.
How would you describe your reactions to this service encounter? Include your description of your feelings and emotions at the time (happy, sad, angry, etc.). Why did you feel this way?
My reaction to this encounter was not a very happy one, because I had an expectation that they would be quick and I would be able to have my coffee within the stipulated time as at when I got there. I think I didn’t get the value for the money I paid because my understanding of service