This report examines the concept of Customer Service Management based on customer involvement with Hotel-81. Researches in this report include academic journal articles, press release, newspaper report and textbook references dated no later than year 2008. In order to attain value co-creation, examinations of Critical Incidents and Zone of Tolerance behaviour in service encounter were used to study the target audience of Hotel-81. Models such as the SERVQUAL, Servicescape, Service Blueprint and Service Encounter traits were adopted to highlight the variables, limitations and strengths of Hotel-81. By applying the above stated studies and models adoption, the group critically evaluates how hotel-81 manages its customer service strategies of which that shapes the organisation.
2. Introduction
In recent growing years, regardless the discipline of a business organisation, the elements of customer service provision aids the final consumption decision accepted by the customer (Wild 2010). Pragmatically, most organization support customers through the assistance of substantially trained employees. The elements rendered by these inter-organisation supporters include - providing online, telephone support, face-to-face interactions and hands-on demonstrations to guarantee customer satisfaction (Claridy, 2009; Wild 2010). Incomparably to product disciplinary based organisations, service disciplinary based organisations impact customers directly though intangible elements - pertaining to the fact that ‘service’ is the organization ‘product’ (Claridy, 2009).
According to Claridy (2009), customer service has been classified into ratings of excellent to poor. With excellent service encounters, customers are usually impacted by good impression attributes and that eventually lead to repeat patronage. However, poor customer service occurs when the organization is incapable of meeting the needs and wants of customers. At the same time, employees that lack
References: Atuahene-Gima, Kwaku. 2012. “What does ‘customer value’ really mean?”African Business 391: 58-59 Chitty, William, Andrew Hughes and Steven D’ Alessandro Gronroos, Christian and Voima, Paivi. 2011. “Making Sense of Value and Value Co-Creation in Service Logic.” Hanken School of Economics. Hanny N Hotel 81. 2012. Hotel 81 – Palace. Hu, Yu-Jia Myong Jae Lee, Neha Singh and Eric S.W. Cha. 2011.“Service failures and recovery actions in the hotel industry: A text-mining approach”. Journal of Vacation Marketing 17(3): 197-207. DOI: 10.1177/1356766711409182 Peter J Sabine Moeller. 2010. “Characteristics of Services – a new approach uncovers their value.” Journal of Services Marketing 24(5): 359-368. DOI 10.1108/08876041011060468 Salazar, Ana, Costa Jorge and Paulo, Rita Tse, Eliza ChingYick and Ho, Suk-Ching. 2009. “Service Quality in the Hotel Industry: When Cultural Contexts Matter”. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly50(4): 460-474. DOI: 10.1177/1938965509338453 Tsen, Shu-Hsiao