Due to the reorganization of the sales team and the shifting focus of the sales force, it is important that the team be educated with the tools necessary and prepared to take on this challenge. The new sales team, consisting of members from InterClean as well as members from EnviroTech, is going to need training to learn how to tackle the changes that are occurring.
The current sales team is made up of three members from EnviroTech, who have excellent customer service skills with some sales experience. They are used to creating relationships with the customer and for the most part, are knowledgeable in customer service skills. They are also used to working in a diverse team environment. Although these employees have great customer appreciation, they could use some training in sales strategies.
The rest of the team is made up of employees from InterClean. These employees have excellent sales strategies and are aggressive in meeting and exceeding sales goals. They are not, however, used to working in a team environment and could use some training on their customer service skills.
By training the team in customer service, they will better learn how to serve their customers and by doing so, will hopefully help to form business relationships with the customers and increase the rate of return customers. With the amount of competition in the market today, it is important to be able to keep customers. The ability to solve problems and form relationships with customers is crucial. (Cascio, 2005)
The team should also receive training in team building and interpersonal relationships. The composition of the team has changed and members of the team must learn how to cope with these changes. By learning how to work in a team environment, they will be able to use each person’s unique skills to better service the customer. It is important to be able to ask for ideas, offer help without being asked, develop listening and feedback skills, and
References: Cascio, W., (2005). Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits. [University of Phoenix e-text]. McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. retrieved August 14, 2008, from University of Phoenix, rEsource, HRM 531-Human Capital Management Course Web Site.