A service quality gap analysis is a management technique and a setting performance standard which is based on the actual level of business performance and delivered. By analyzing five gaps, firms can find some way to increase company’s profit and performance. Service quality gaps always occur in the real business environment and it is an inevitable problem. However, enterprises often based on their customers, markets and their product quality to analysis their SERVQUAL and help them to become the best firm because by using these methods can ensure find the gap’s area and focus on their strengths, and additional identifying the weakness in any business environment. This assignment discuss and analysis of service quality and how can managers to avoid gaps. The body of this essay including customer gap, provider gap (knowledge), provider gap (design), provider gap (performance) and provider gap (communication).
Customer gap (Actual Service Performance) & How to close
Customers generally have a tendency to compare the service they 'experience' with the service they 'expect' to receive; thus, when the experience does not match the expectation, a gap arises. A Key to providing good quality services is to meet and exceed customer expectations. This gap is the result of four gaps caused in the former term (Dudovskiy, 2012). Additionally, this gap takes place in a variety of organizational gaps. First is marketing information gap, this situation occur in management of not fully realize customer’s service expectation and unconscious. Secondly is standard gap, this gap means the company’s service quality specification may not catch the customer’s expectation. Next is service performance gap, the difference between the service quality specification and the service actually delivered causes the service performance gap. The last is communication gap which means firms describe a discrepancy service to customer and offer an irreconcilable service delivered.