Throughout the ‘Harry potter’ franchise, Severus Snape is portrayed as an Enemy from the beginning, our first impressions of him are a heartless and cruel sadistic bastard, however towards the end author, JK Rowling, attempts to suggest him as somewhat as a martyr and a victim throughout his entire life. However there is substantial evidence against him proving that he, in reality, is actually the sadistic, self-pitying bastard we thought he was from the very beginning. The number of offenses shown against his character all throughout the film make it blatantly obvious of his true nature. The only reason he is seen as a hero after his death can be blamed on survivors remorse and twisted stories put together by said character himself…
Even from a young age it is evident of his cruel nature with incredibly offensive remarks to one of his proposed ‘best friend’ in the form of Lily Evans after he refers to her as a ‘Mudblood’, which in the wizarding world, can be considered an almost racist remark of the severest nature. Again throughout his youth we gain an understanding of his brutality after he himself creates the spell, ‘Sectum Sempra’, in sixth year, which is a slicing …show more content…
After joining the death eaters Snape overhears the prophecy intended for Dumbledore and he then relates this information to his own lord, Voldemort. Only after he learns that this prophecy may involve Lily does he attempt to repent, by betraying Voldemort and serving Lily, if he can “save her”, he does not, however, suggest any saving for James Potter, Lily’s wife, or even their son Harry, again showing his selfish nature which should not be misconstrued as a declaration of his love (obviously