By focusing on sexual offenders, the DSM IV’s reliability for diagnosing paraphilias is questioned. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual …show more content…
The good lives model helps with the development of the skills, attitudes, and self-beliefs that are essential to achieving the “good life” primary sought out with the therapist working together with the client. The combining treatment models explains that sexual offenders in treatment programs can be addressed by a combination of the risk/needs model and the good life model but it must be made certain that there is modification made to the deviant sexual arousal and/or interests they …show more content…
Even though some paraphilias are able to result in illegal behaviors, not all paraphilias will or do. For treatments for paraphilias to be effective, there needs to be more studies on non-offending paraphilias so that treatment programs can be designed on more experiential bases. Treatment providers should be able to take initiative and responsibility in improving how treatment approaches should be when they are there seeing how their clients are fairly during treatment. When the effectiveness of treatment procedures are taken into more consideration, there will be treatment for sexual offenders truly be proven