with child victims from other men, and in fact, the differences found between sex offenders against children and other offenders in social competence and conventional sexual experiences may be explained by pedophilia as well. Pedophilias may have poorer social skills in their interactions with other adults but may score higher on measures of social skills if their interactions with children are assessed; similarly pedophiles may score lower on conventional sexual experiences because they are not sexually interested in adults and prefer sexual interactions with children (2006).
with child victims from other men, and in fact, the differences found between sex offenders against children and other offenders in social competence and conventional sexual experiences may be explained by pedophilia as well. Pedophilias may have poorer social skills in their interactions with other adults but may score higher on measures of social skills if their interactions with children are assessed; similarly pedophiles may score lower on conventional sexual experiences because they are not sexually interested in adults and prefer sexual interactions with children (2006).