
Sexist T-Shirt Harms Us All Analysis

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Sexist T-Shirt Harms Us All Analysis
The clerk claimed to have seen no boy push a stroChitra Ramaswamy, a writer from The Guardian, shares her opinion and research on sexism’s connection to children’s toy and clothing lines in an article, “How a Sexist T-shirt Harms Us All”. She feels gender stereotyping in products harms the public, reflecting today’s discombobulated reality. Her focus falls upon a recent Gap ad displaying a young boy, a giant grin on his face, proudly wearing an Albert Einstein shirt, and a little girl, gazing into nowhere, adorned in pink chambray shirt and kitten ears. Ramaswamy argues the advertisement delivers the incorrect message, portraying boys as brainy, cut out for the workforce, and girls as sociable, spending a “career” in gossip. A similar issue arose at Marks and Spencer, a British retail …show more content…
On intimate terms, the journalist’s three year old son faces sexist comments of a lesser evil, quite often from one or two mothers; phrases similar to “what a boy” or “my little superhero”. With no masculine influence from a father or brother, what source brings about the regular male attitude, a love for objects capable of mass destruction or extensive ingenuity and a dislike towards creating cute art or clever crafts? Ramaswamy argues modern portrayal of the genders causes the issue or brings about the influence. Comparably, years previous on a shopping spree for a toy pushchair to help her son learn to walk, she encountered a naive store clerk, one who never witnessed a male figure pushing a stroller or buggy. Appalled, Ramaswamy suggested the clerk view the world outside, a place filled with fathers steering children about in pushchairs and prams. Raising and nurturing children includes both mom and dad, not one or the other; today, however, these separate but equal parental roles have decreased in

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