Tracey B. Freeman
PSY 265
October 16, 2014
Nicole Pansey
Sexual Dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction disorder can occur in both men and women. It is characterized the same in both genders and it means erection for the male gender and vaginal lubrication in the female gender. To further explain the two, for a male, having sexual arousal disorder involves difficulty having an erection for a substantial amount of time or whether they can even obtain one at all. The proper way to describe this is to refer to it as male erectile disorder or erectile dysfunction. For most men, the cause is due to sexual activity with a partner(s) that has been a failure however, it does not always happen with every partner. It can occur at any time of intimacy, including the sexual act of masturbation. It can be caused by alcohol consumption, becoming anxious or stressed about impressing a new partner, and even being fatigued can have an impact in a man’s ability to perform (makes them suffer from this disorder). However, it can be reversed if the man is willing to acknowledge the problem and maintains a state of mind that ensures it is just normal, which will in turn take the pressure off of him and he can become more relaxed instead of overreacting. Other treatments include Viagra (for older men ranging from their thirties to their elderly years), Cialis, and exercises that a male can participate in to try and reverse his erectile dysfunction or sexual arousal disorder. As for the female, they can also suffer from sexual arousal disorder but not with all of their partners, masturbation, and being orally intimate. However, it can also be associated with disorders like hypoactive sexual desire or even orgasmic disorder(s). Signs can be things such as vaginal dryness that can cause discomfort may also be an indication. Having diabetes mellitus, sensitivity of skin, anxiety, guilt, or having resentment towards their partner also affect a woman’s ability to