2.1 Introduction This chapter briefs the sexual harassment at workplace. It begins with the explanation of sexual harassment at workplace. Then, this chapter also describe the overview of perception, definition of sexual harassment, types of sexual harassment and the effects of sexual harassment at workplace. There is also additional information on the sexual harassment that may enhance the understanding of each particular in depth.
2.2 Sexual Harassment at Workplace Workplace with free of sexual harassment is the main prerequisite right enjoyed by all employees regardless of gender (Welsh, 1999). Social justice demands equal treatment and respect for human dignity for all workers. The existence of sexual problems in the workplace would deprive them of the right main principles of social justice. If the problem is allowed to persist, it will affect a safe working environment and thus damaging the quality of work of an individual and the entire organization. This problem is really old, but unfortunately it often happens very rarely reported.
Problem of sexual harassment in the workplace is one of the problems arising in the work environment in a variety of forms of organization such as corporate offices, financial institutions, government departments, educational institutions and in the legal office (Golden, 2001). It arises from an employment relationship involving the personal behaviour of people in an organization and involves both men and women. Forms of sexual harassment occurs also consist of verbal harassment, gestures, visual, psychological and physical.
Communication that exists in the performance of duties among employees sometimes contain jokes, pranks or conversations among employees that often exists in the workplace that will indirectly add to the fun atmosphere at work (Montemurro, 2003). However, the joke is sometimes unwelcome. Similarly, some people who take advantage of the position or rank for its