and hard working. Shane was a very mysterious person from the first day he arrived at
the Starrett’s home and displayed this through his personality and appearance. Shane also
displayed kindness not long after his arrival at the Starrett’s farm and quickly became
friends with the Starrett family. Shane illustrated how he was hard working when he
agreed to help Joe Starrett work around the farm and help run errands for him. The
character of Shane proved himself to be not only mysterious, kind and hard working but
also a reliable friend to Joe, Marian, and Bob Starrett.
From the beginning of the story, the character of Shane displayed that he was a
mysterious person. An example of how Shane was mysterious was when he first arrived ,
and Billy noticed Shane riding towards him. Billy noted that Shane looked just like a dark
shadow while riding on his horse. Another example of Shane’s mysteriousness was the
fact that even though the Starrett’s knew him better than anyone he still had a
mysteriousness around him. Shane walked around without a gun which made Billy even
more curious about Shane and the mysteriousness behind him. A final example of
Shane’s mysteriousness was when Billy noticed that everyday Shane would just look up
and stare at the mountains for a little while and then return to whatever he was doing.
Although Shane was a mysterious man to everyone he knew, including the Starrett’s, he
still became a very likeable and respected person to the people in the town.
Another great character quality of Shane in this story was his kindness. Despite
his mysteriousness, the character of Shane also illustrated a great kindness towards
everyone, even the people in the town who did not like him. Another example of Shane’s
kindness was when he would constantly compliment Marian Starrett’s