At this level, children and family will require intervention and support to meet one or two universal targeted services. Intervention usual made of Early Help Assessment team or referred to Team Around the Child who will make provision to ensure all critical needs are met before it is beyond control. A Common Assessment Framework (CAF) plan will be provided to the child and family to help them identify the extra support that is needed to achieve the target services (Liverpool Safeguarding Children, 2014). Children at additional level with a complex problem should be recommended by their practitioners to complete a Shared Family Assessment (SFA) with their respective families. SFA is a tool used to help family and the assigned professional to gather around to discuss the family’s strengths, needs, and goals that they can use to overcome their problem. For example, if the child has a behavior problem at school, a CAF will be the appropriate way that will benefit the child by identifying the extra support needed. In this processes information is collected, evaluated and shared among professionals in order for a very meaningful information is obtained (Effective Support for Children and Families in Milton Keynes, 2011).
After the completion of CAF, a Team Around the Child (TAC) will be formed to organize all …show more content…
The local Authority through police, social worker, education authority and other department related to children, will take immediate action if they believe the child is at a higher risk of harm and their development is seriously compromised (Staffordshire’s Threshold Framework, 2012). In this category children who at risk face significant harm from physical, sexual, emotional harm and from neglect. Children who previously under care found to have an imminent breakdown of all care provided by care professionals are also in this