Sharp provides a suitable detailed website because Sharp is dedicated to provide the best quality care for each individuals medical condition. Their main commitment is to provide patients with the best quality care in San Diego. Sharp includes information about their Medical Services, Patients & Visitors, Classes & Events, Health Library, Locations, and finding the right Doctor. Improving the health of many lives of those they serve is their mission and being considered the number one health system in the universe is their vision.
Sharp provides a website that contains detailed information that ensures users to gain access and knowledge about their health care delivery. Providing patients and their families a great health care experience is number one. They offer many services throughout San Diego that includes four acute care hospitals, three specialty hospitals, and five urgent care center. Sharp is recognized for providing excellence for their line of service in cardiac, cancer and multiorgan transplantation, orthopedics, rehabilitation, behavioral health and women’s health. Being acknowledge for quality of excellence, Sharp was recognized with a Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. Based on the website on, “it’s the highest presidential honor for organizational performance excellence and quality in the United States.” Sharp was given the opportunity in global clinical research to find newly developed effective medicine, appointed as a Quintiles Prime Site. This Prime Site is a biopharmaceutical service that contains clinical trials that enable Sharp to focus on cardiology, endocrinology, oncology, pediatrics, psychiatry, rheumatology, and vaccines. According to Mike Murphy, president and CEO of Sharp HealthCare, “This designation will support Sharp’s thriving research agenda and allow us to make a more meaningful contribution to the future of medicine.” Information about the Prime Site can be researched on