The movie “The Shawshank Redemption” based on Steven King's book “Rita Hayworth and The Shawshank Redemption” is a classic American film about a life-long honest friendship sprung up in one of the most unthinkable places, Jail. In this essay I will be describing and commenting on the scene where Andy Dufresne, after years of toil, escapes from the haunting wall of Shawshank Prison.
The scene starts with a close up of the rope in Andy's hand, the camera slowly starts to tilt upwards towards his face which is filled with mixed emotion. The director makes sure that this keeps the viewer on the tip of his seat with a clue of what is to follow. Andy then starts to crawl through the hole he dug through the wall. The Rembrandt lighting is provided by a small torch which has just enough light to allow the viewer to see the size of the tunnel and Andy's facial expressions. There is a medium shot as Andy crawls through his tunnel to show how small and claustrophobic it is.
Once out of his tunnel he climbs down the gap in the wall, to reach the sewage pipe. The director keeps the camera far from Andy to let us see the size of the gap in the wall where he has to manoeuvre. We see how minuscule the gap is when then lightning flashes. The director uses the lightning as natural lighting which helps the viewer relate to the situation. As Andy starts to puncture the sewage pipe, the camera zooms into closer to Andy so that we can see his every movement. Again the lightning is used to very good effect to illuminate Andy's face as he bangs on the pipe.
While crawling through the sewage pipe to freedom, the director uses the torch again to illuminate the his face and can give the viewer a more accurate perspective of what Andy is going through but not too much which could make the viewer not want to look at the shot.
As the narrator, the voice of Red starts to tell us how far Andy has crawled in the sewage pipe, the camera zooms out