Frank Darabont’s movie The Shawshank Redemption (1994) actively displays the trails and conflicts prisoners face in prison in an effort to show that everyone no matter their background endures some type of struggle. Darabont further backs up this claim by narrating the life of Andy Dufresne who was falsely accused of killing his wife. Darabont’s purpose is to generalize people’s fight against humanity, in the centralized setting of a prison so that the message is understood by the audience. Given the film’s unique angle it is easy to assume that Darabont wants his audience to come from a diverse background throughout the world. A diverse grouping of people viewing The Shawshank Redemption allows its prime message to be heard by millions of people. The approach taken by Frank Darabont has made The Shawshank Redemption a popular movie for over two decades. In the movie The Shawshank Redemption institutionalized …show more content…
The characters’ lives in the movie are narrated by Ellis Boyd Redding, also known as Red. Red is an African American male who sentenced for murder. Inside the Shawshank prison Red is the main supplier of contraband from the outside world. Before conducting each business agreement Red gives the terms and conditions of the interaction; by doing this he protects himself from repercussions. Throughout the movie viewers are able to adapt to Red and how he views Andy and ultimately see how the two become friends. In society individuals like Red are common; often times people make mistakes while they are young and are forces to live with it forever. These mistakes make us who we are after living with it for a long period of time. Accepting your mistakes and trying to improve the situation makes one a better person. In the film Red adapts to his situation and is able to survive in Shawshank. In life one is forced to adapt; if not they will not live