1.1 Diversity means people are unique; they are different to one another. They have different points of view, see things differently from each other because of the way they have been brought up, depend even on the way they are looking. Their age, culture, social status, sex orientation, abilities, race, politics, and class divide into many categories. Age group divides child, teenager, adult, elderly, babies, they are all different. Every country they have own ideas one things right to one country but it doesn’t mean it is accepted in another country. Social status divides very poor, poor, working class, middle class, rich, millionaire etc. Sex orientation a person might have interest in the same sex or the opposite sex or no interest at all. It’s totally up to individual’s wishes. Some people might be academic, artistic, and practical; creative should not be judged or compared. People have different colour of skin. Some people have strong view point of politics others might have no clue. They go to different ideas. People choose to follow different paths in life. Some people like to get married and have children. Others might like to get married but not have children. Also some people prefer to be single but they might have sexual relationships also while others might choose to be alone or to socialise with friends and family, it is down to people what they decide. All people are good for something, it shouldn’t be looked into general abilities like a ‘must be’ - everyone should be academic or creative for example. Social economic is very different from person to person - some people have no money to afford basic needs others might have too much, in the middle there are different stages people who value money and are careful and sensitive about others might spend their wages in short period of time. Although people environment and other differences makes huge different in seeing things differently. If they look at the same things they will come up with so many different answers and ideas which is what makes their identity.
Everyone has equal human rights it doesn’t matter what differences they have. No one has right to discriminate them because of their age, sex orientation, believes, race, politics view, social economic status, abilities, gender etc. Everybody has some rights. Whoever intentionally or unintentionally tries to isolate or mistreat them might get punished.
Stereotyping is when people make assumptions about other people appearance and they judge people without knowing them which is causing discrimination. Discrimination is abuse and it is wrong to have assumption about others.
Inclusion means to accept people who they are and celebrate their differences. Learn from each other and expand knowledge of understanding people differences. Be open minded and accept people and try to see their point of view and value them for who they are instead of trying to convince them to agree with you which is wrong. Love people for who they are.
Inclusion is to include anyone in the society, activities, and break down barriers to participation – i.e if the client is not able to speak the language, find an interpreter, etc…Please add some more
‘Got’ – not used in written language, we use ‘have got’ instead, or just ‘have’, please also pay attention to your sentences, they are a little bit too long sometimes. When you write something, read it back and imagine there should be a pause wherever there is a full stop, this might help you with the punctuation. Whenever we make a pause when speaking – we should have a full stop when writing.
1.2 People who are discriminated by others or any other organisation because of their believes, race, culture, ethnicity, opinion, sexuality, disability, age, gender etc. That kind of attitude towards other people’s makes other feel lack of confidence, lack of self-esteem, isolated, humiliated, deprived, all negative feeling which is against human rights to mistreat people because of who they are and what they believe in. Potential discrimination is equal to negativity and prejudice. The further discrimination goes the worse the results get. It’s nothing good coming out from discrimination.
1.3 Inclusive practice promotes diversity and equality, challenging to learn about others cultures and believes. Also helps with overcoming the barriers with people who have got prejudice against others through the training and support from others. Also others service user, carer or staff of work are involved with training and get to understand how to work with care settings. They become more knowledge and understand individual needs and look at the service user and all members of staff as a unique person and try to understand their needs to be able to help them to feel comfortable and relax in the home. Effective communication helps to overcome barriers. Considering individual needs is the only way to find out effective communication skill. Through the communication we will be able to overcome barriers, make the home more friendly and welcome place to live in and also challenging and interesting to know how little we know when we are not aware of other thoughts and feelings.
2.1 Equal Pay Act 1970 Sex discrimination Act 1975 Relations Act 1976 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and 2005 Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) and (Sexual Orientation) Regulation 2003 Employment Equal (Age) Regulations 2006 Equality Act 2006 Human rights Act 1998 Race relations act The Equality Act 2010 European Convention on Human Rights All this legislation helps people to have awareness of other peoples’ needs and rights which is to protect them and not to discriminate against each other. Legislation recognises people’s needs and protect them from discrimination. If anyone is mistreated they have got right to complain. It is very serious abuse to discriminate others.
Please explain a little about the main laws/ Acts – pick up 3 or 4 and give some more details – do a research on them.
2.2 Good morning? Good morning How are you today? I am not feeling good You are not feeling good Yes I don’t feel good Why are you feeling not good? Because I’ve got pin in my back I couldn’t sleep all night What would you like me to bring you? Would you like hot drink or cold drinks? I would like to have cup of tea Ok I will bring it to you.
That is good, so you respect your client’s needs, do you ask him about anything else? You do not have to list the words, you could just describe the situation – i.e when a service user is not feeling godo, what would you do
2.2 Do you believe in Jesus? Yes I do. Whole my life I went to church and worship God. Would you mind tell me about it your special days and why do you celebrate Christmas and Ester etc.? Why do you asking me go on find out yourself? I found I learn more effectively when I talk to people? I don’t want to tell you read it yourself Ok no problem.
Again, please include something more of a descriptive nature – just tell a story with your own words, you do not have to list the conversation
3.1 Model the action practice by having active listening skills, listen fully what the client is saying and make sure you understand right by repeating back to the client. Respect the client’s dignity and promote inclusive practice. Allow the clients to make choices work with compassion and work in the best interest of client not to suit employee or member of staff. It is very important to service user to feel fulfilled and content.
3.2 Support people who are vulnerable, they might have physical or emotional barriers, help them to overcome their barriers. When we empower them and give them encouragement they will be able to achieve their goal. Give them information to be able to access help and support. Some people needs depend on others to be able to do things or lack of confidence or other barriers, we need to stop them to do things without getting support.
3.3 Challenge the discrimination by taking charge and advocates the situations. People might not be able to speak for themselves or can’t defend themselves. Service user privacy might be taking away need someone to advocates situation step in and tell about service user right. Who’s speaking others personal life in public should be given warning to not discuss others personal life’s in public. Because information might be putting the service user risk at risk of having their personal information revealed, or even discrimination. We need to prevent any further discrimination by not allowing personal information in discussion with other people unless they are professionals and they need to be informed or alert of the situation.
Sorry, I do not understand what do you mean with the sentence in red?
Who’s speaking others personal life in public should be given warning to not discuss others personal life’s in public – think about word order – few different way of saying it – A warning should be given to whoever is discussing other people personal life in public not to do it.
Other ways to challenge discrimination – what would you do if you hear a colleague talking about a service uses in a discriminative way?