Shi Huangdi was a believer of legalism. Legalism is a philosophy that say make rules and punishments. It also said you should trust no one, that is why he had millions of people build the wall. He also burned all of the books that went against the rules of legalism. If you were caught quoting these songs or books would be publicly killed. Those who choose to oppose these rules would have their families wiped out. Officers that fail to report this activity will be punished the same way. If after thirty days they still have these books should have their faces tattooed and be sent to the great wall to work. The only books that did not have to be burned were books about medicine, religious beliefs, and agriculture. They also attacked many scholars for writing the books. …show more content…
Shi Huandi started the building of the wall which helped keep the nomads out, and keep the people safe. He also made all currency the same so it was easier to pay for things, and you didn’t have to find the merchant that took your type of money. He also made all writing the same so you could read all of the rules and punishments he made. He also made the roads wider so the army's could travel through cities easier. He also made canals so you could travel easier in places they didn’t have roads. He also made a system of irrigation to water