It is clear that ship size and activities are related, but to what situation? After clarifying the experience of the sector by interviews, focusing the cost price of bigger ships chartered or owned and considering the working procedure, cost effectiveness will possibly not enhance through using these ships. Three views are there about this: First, different studies explain that larger ships will have access to fewer ports because of the limited draught of the ports. The number of port calls through the post-Panamax ships will be decreased as long as the further costs for feeder and intermodal relations are lower than the savings from less port calls. Though, presently this is barely the case for ship …show more content…
This approach by no source complies with the favourites of shippers who support further ports. Economies of scale are the leading power behind the system of containerships calling at a restricted number of big ports. This strategy will, so, enhance transhipment costs with the hazard of longer transit time for containers that must be transhipped and relayed, whether through feeder ship or overland. But how long will ships be capable to focus a plan of limiting the number of entry ports into Europe to give chance for consolidated freight flows? And what regarding the influence on service positions? Or are shippers satisfied with a lower freight rate for slow moving containers? Second, not all terminals are focused terminals. To deliver these large ships three to five gantry cranes are needed. Focused terminals will manage the unloading procedure so that a ship can leave the port as soon as probable. But will other terminals have the similar plans? Will they just focus on the big ships or not? Third, containerships with maximum container abilities have to sail at maximum speeds than those with lower ability, as they require further port time. This is the motive why ship speed is …show more content…
It is apparent that (Ideal) ship size goes hand in hand with maximum operations. Until the mid-1980s, size was restricted through the dimensional constraints of the Panama Canal (length 294 m and width 32 m), which powerfully impacted the growth in containership size. For a long time the market levelled off at the Ideal ship size of 4500 TEUs. This was the motive why this was marked as ‘Ideal ship size’ for more than a decade. Because of technological reconfiguration, the ability of new Panamax ships is pushed above 4500 TEU, the high ability Panamax ships. In the coming years, the planned growth of the Panama locks will support another revolution in the global liner shipping business and remove the difference between Panamax and larger -than-Panamax