By definition coal is a fossil fuel formed by plants and animal buried years ago, this formation facilitated by the high temperature and pressure underground. This mineral can be used as a solid fuel and as a raw material for coke and gas. After this lengthy process of formulation coal is recognized as a significant factor of the world’s manufacturing sector. As this is so, there is a global demand for this commodity.
Ship being the suitable mode of transportation for this commodity, it has being categorized among the group of major bulk cargo. Coal has a stowage factor that varies between 1.00 and 1.40 cubic metres per tonne. Being that coal is of global importance the production of the commodity has to be extensive hence the massive production centres such as; Australia, Russian, Indonesia, Venezuela, South Africa and China. The number of exports indicates the need for the mineral and it also shows that there is a major market for such cargo. The markets in need include China, EU and Japan.
It is evident the even some exporters are also imports, China, to be specific. This is as China is the manufacturing hub of the world and coal is an important supplier on energy in the manufacturing sector, this commodity aid in the production of the steel and iron used the build the manufacturing machinery. While the country imports coal for these reasons, they also export to tap into the earnings from the world’s demand for the mineral.
Furthermore, coal is an alternative source of heat energy, hence the demand for coal heighten during the period of September to around January which is the coal season. In addition this time of year where temperate zones of the world experiences colder weather, hence the need for alternative sources of heat such as coal.
The way that coal is transported to where it will be used depends on the distance to be covered. Coal transportation is generally carried out by conveyor or truck over short distances. Trains and barges are